AviCalc for Pilots

by Bernd Ewert



AviCalc is a free collection of various tools for general aviation pilots.The following functions are available in the tool:Crosswind and headwindCalculates the crosswind and headwind proportions. If an aircraft has been created and activated in the aircraft database, the tool also shows when the permissible crosswind component is exceeded.Wind triangleThe wind triangle is important in theoretical pilot training. Avicalc calculates the wind triangle using 2 methods (Wind and TC or TC and TH).Glide pathCalculation of sink rate and required glide ratio.Conversion of unitsThe most important units such as speed, distance, consumption, weight and pressure can be converted.Various calculationsThe pressure- and density altitude, QNH and QFE can be calculated.Time calculatorA calculator to add minutes and hours is implemented.Burndown The required fuel consumption can be calculated.Takeoff routeThe take-off distance can be calculated in accordance with the LBA flight safety notification FSM 3/75.Weight and center of gravityThe corresponding moments and weights can be recorded for each aircraft. The center of gravity and the current total weight can be calculated from this.VOR simulationa VOR approach can be simulated on a map (currently only for Germany).Ideas what is still missing?